A big thank you to everyone who came to our AGM at East Bedlington Community Centre on 18 October. We had a really interesting and engaging day, and would like to say a special thank you to our guest speaker Gill O’Neill. Gill is the Executive Director of Public Health, Inequalities and Stronger Communities. She spoke to us about a strengths-based approach to tackling inequalities in the county and how the voice of residents is being listened to as part of the Northumberland inequalities plan.
Download Gill’s presentation on the inequalities plan.
We had hoped to show a short video as part of Gill’s presentation, but were unable to due to a technical issue. You can watch the video on our YouTube channel.
Have a look at the photos from the event below.
We are already making plans for next year’s event which we hope will be in the north of the county. Keep an eye on our website, social media and newsletters for more details!