A pain to complain

A pain to complain

A pain to complain: new research from Healthwatch England

Healthwatch England has shared a new report which looks at some of the barriers people face when making a complaint about NHS healthcare.

Read the findings and recommendations.

Key findings

Very few patients complain

Almost 24% said they had experienced poor NHS care in the past year. Yet more than half (56%) of people who experienced poor care took no action, and fewer than one in 10 made a formal complaint.

Low confidence stops people acting

Of those who didn’t make a complaint after poor care, 34% believed that the NHS wouldn’t use their complaint to improve services, 33% thought organisations wouldn’t respond effectively, and 30% felt the NHS wouldn’t see their concern as ‘serious enough’.

A poor complaints experience is common

Over half (56%) of people who made a formal complaint were dissatisfied with both the process and the outcome of their complaint.

Falling investment in support to help people complain

The budget allocated to councils to arrange statutory NHS complaints advocacy for local people has declined by more than 20% over the last decade.

People experience long waits for responses

On average, integrated care boards (ICBs) took 54 working days to respond to complaints they handled as commissioners of NHS services. Response times ranged from between 18 and 114 working days.

The NHS is not effectively learning lessons

NHS organisations do not effectively capture the right data about who makes complaints, do not welcome complaints or fail to fully demonstrate learning from complaints. There is little national oversight and accountability over the complaints process.

Healthwatch England’s recommendations

  • Make the complaints process easier for patients and their families to navigate
  • Monitor and improve the performance of organisations that handle complaints
  • Develop a culture of listening to and learning from complaints

Read more at the Healthwatch England website.

If you would like to talk to us about a health or care service you have used as a patient or a carer, please get in touch.

Free online event – Kidney Care UK

Free online event – Kidney Care UK

Join us on Friday 14 February, 1pm-2pm, to hear from Adele Brown and Sally Tait from the Patient Support and Advocacy team at Kidney Care UK.

They will talk about kidney disease, what causes it, what you can do to prevent or slow the disease and the support available for people living with kidney disease and their families.

There will be time to ask questions after the presentation.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events or catch up with previous events on our online events page.

Free online event – fibromyalgia

Free online event – fibromyalgia

Learn all about fibromyalgia at this free online talk on Friday 10 January, 1pm-2pm, with Hazel Borland from Fibromyalgia Action UK. Find out what fibromyalgia is, the symptoms and possible causes and ways to help manage the condition.

We will also hear about the support available nationally and locally for people experiencing this condition. There will be time to ask questions after the presentation.

This session is suitable for both public and professionals interested in understanding more.

This event has now passed.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events or catch up with previous events on our online events page.

Share your experiences of audiology (hearing) services

Share your experiences of audiology (hearing) services

Do you, or does someone close to you currently use NHS audiology services, or have you used these services in the past two years?

This could be at The Freeman Hospital where the service is based, or at one of the outreach clinics.

Tell us what you think. Your feedback will help the NHS know what is working well and how the service could be improved.

Please leave your feedback by 7 February 2025.

Have your say on audiology services

Free event with STAMMA

Free event with STAMMA

Our next free online talk is on Friday 13 December, 1pm-2pm, with STAMMA, the national stammering charity. This session will cover how we can make healthcare environments more accessible, give top tips on talking with someone who stammers, and share information and support for adults and children who stammer.

Stammering and healthcare

You might be surprised to learn that over 1% of adults stammer, and around 8% of children stammer for at least a while. Yet healthcare can often be a difficult environment for people who stammer. Talked over, hung up on, being misdiagnosed with anxiety, or refused medication because a healthcare professional mistakenly thinks the person is lying or unsure when they stammer on their own name.

Bring your questions and your stories, or just come along to listen. Suitable for the public and professionals. Everybody welcome!

This event has now passed.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events or catch up with previous events on our online events page.

Carers Rights Day 2024

Carers Rights Day 2024

Carers Rights Day is on Thursday 21 November 2024.

Every day, 12,000 people become unpaid carers for a partner, family member or a friend – many of whom don’t see themselves as carers, often unaware of their legal rights and what they’re entitled to in terms of support and benefits. This year’s theme is about helping carers recognise and understand their rights, and to access support.

We’ll be at the Carers Northumberland Carers Rights Day information event on Thursday 21 November, 2pm to 4.30pm, at Morpeth Town Hall. Come along to find out more about your rights as a carer and how to get support for you or the person you care for.

If you would like to tell us about your experience of health or social care services as a carer or would like information about local services and support please get in touch.

Share your views of your local pharmacy

Share your views of your local pharmacy

We’re working with Northumberland County Council to assess pharmacy services in the county.

Most of us use pharmacy services at some time or another. By telling us how you and your family use these services you can help make improvements for everyone in your community.

What you tell us about how you use your local pharmacy will help the council to write a local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, which will help to ensure that your local pharmacy provides the service you need both now and in the future.

You can give us your feedback online, or get in touch to ask for a postal copy with freepost return. If you’d prefer to tell us your experiences over the phone please call us on: 03332 408468 or call into one of our drop-in events.

This survey closed on 30 November 2024.

Cholesterol awareness: get tested!

Cholesterol awareness: get tested!

This month is Cholesterol awareness month. Did you know high cholesterol can be caused by your diet, lack of exercise, or even your family history? Don’t wait until it’s too late! High cholesterol is often a silent killer with no symptoms. Getting a cholesterol test can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Learn more about cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in our bodies, and while we do need some, there are both good and bad types. Too much bad cholesterol can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Don’t forget, a cholesterol check is the first step! It’s quick and easy, and you can get it done at your GP surgery or even at some pharmacies.

If you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol

If you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol, you can keep your cholesterol in check with healthy lifestyle changes like eating a balanced diet and staying active. It’s important you have a test yearly to keep it in control and continue taking your prescribed medication if needed. There are a variety of treatment options available – contact your GP surgery to find what’s best for you. Find out more.


Getting tested

High cholesterol does not usually cause symptoms. You can only find out if you have it from a blood test. A simple cholesterol check can go a long way in preventing heart disease. If you’re aged over 40 and haven’t had a cholesterol test before – or it’s been more than five years since your last one, please contact your GP surgery to book a quick and simple cholesterol test.



Have you had a cholesterol test recently? Let us know about your experience.



Here to Hear – at our monthly drop-ins

Here to Hear – at our monthly drop-ins

Healthwatch Northumberland Monthly Drop-ins

Come and see us at one of our monthly drop-ins, which we hold in all five local council areas of the county. These sessions are a chance for residents to tell us, in confidence, about their experiences of NHS and social care services so that we can understand what is working well and what could be improved. You can also use our Signposting and Information Service to find out more about local support and services. Call in to speak to our friendly team at one of the venues below, or if you’d prefer to make a specific appointment for one of the sessions, please get in touch.

  • Weavers’ Court, Swordy Drive, Alnwick, NE66 1SZ: Second Thursday of every other month, next date 13 February, 10.30am – 12.30pm.
  • Hirst Welfare, Ashington, NE63 9HN: Find us at the Wansbeck Community Links coffee morning on Wednesday 19 February, 10am – 11.30am.
  • Hexham General Hospital, Corbridge Road, Hexham, NE46 1QJ: Third Thursday of every month, 10.30am – 12.30pm.
  • Morpeth Leisure Centre, Gas House Lane, NE61 1SR: Fourth Wednesday of the month, 10.30am – 12.30pm.
  • Cafe @ Burn Lane, Hexham, NE46 3HN: Last Thursday of the month, 11.00am – 1.00pm.
  • Hexham Mart, Tyne Green, Hexham, NE46 3SG: Friday 28 February, 9.00am – 1.00pm.
  • Online Zoom session: Second Friday of the month, 1.00pm – 2.00pm. There will be a different topic each month – see events page or social media for details.

We also attend one-off events throughout the county. Please check our events calendar or social media for more details.

You can leave feedback at any time here on our website