We have the power to ‘Enter and View’ providers of health and social care, such as hospitals, care homes and dentists, and to observe and report on how those services are being run. Organisations must allow an authorised representative to Enter and View and observe activities on premises controlled by the provider, as long as this does not affect the provision of care or the privacy and dignity of people using services.
These powers do not extend to Enter and View of services relating to local authorities’ social services functions for people under the age of 18.
Providers do not have to allow entry to parts of a care home which are not communal areas, or allow entry to premises if their work on the premises relates to children’s social services.
The purpose of the visit will be to identify good practice that can be celebrated and shared with others and to identify any issues about which service users feel concerned.
Our Enter and View representatives
If you have any questions or would like further information about Enter and View visits as a provider of services or as a service user, please speak to one of the team.
Mike Allport
Anne Armstrong
Lorna Beech
Helen Brown
Lorna Farr
John Gordon
Tim Hakim
Laura Haugh
Claire Jackson
Karen Moulding
Colin Nevin
Derry Nugent
Denyse Organ
Dawn Porter
Gillian Robinson
Sue Taylor