Home care services in Northumberland
Home care services are a vital way to support people by meeting their health and social care needs in their own homes.
‘Understanding the experiences of people using home care services, then, now and in the future’ was a project designed to find out the experiences of people using services and their family carers in Northumberland. We wanted to find out what is working well for people and also make recommendations for changes or improvements to services, based on what people told us.
This is particularly important at present given the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on those using home care services and their families, and the need to prepare for similar situations in the future.
We also wanted to follow up and extend on our previous work which focused specifically on the Coquet Valley, by gathering the views of people throughout Northumberland. Read Home Care Provision in Coquetdale.
This report is an overview of the findings and draws out key recommendations on the issues raised by those who use services and their carers. We have indicated where the recommendations are for Northumberland County Council Adults Social Care commissioners (ASC) or service providers (SP).
Read our findings and recommendations below: