
Join our Annual Conversation

Join our Annual Conversation

This year, instead of our usual Annual Survey, we’re having an ‘Annual Conversation’. This is a more focused piece of work which will help us hear from people that we don’t hear from as often. We’ll be working with groups and organisations from across Northumberland to hear about people’s recent experiences of NHS and social care services. This is anything from GP and dental services, hospital and ambulance services, mental health services, care homes and care in the home.

Only by hearing what people want and need from services can providers know how to improve care. Speaking to us here at Healthwatch Northumberland is a confidential and anonymous way to get your voice heard and your views taken into account when decisions are being made about services

We also want to hear what went well for people when they used services.

During October and November we’ll be working with Fishermen’s Mission, Escape Family Support, Being Woman, Royal Voluntary Service, Miners Lamp Community Cafe and Hub, Bridge Northumberland and Journey Enterprises, to hear from service users and local communities.

If you would like to tell us about your recent experience of health and social care please share your story. Or ask a question about local services through our Signposting and Information Service.

This piece of work has now closed