
Online event – Diabetes UK

Online event – Diabetes UK

Join us on Friday 13 September to hear from Susan Bathgate from Diabetes UK. In this free, online public event Susan will provide information about the different types of diabetes with a focus on type 2 diabetes and how to manage and live well with the condition.

We will also hear about national and local support available from Diabetes UK. There will be a chance to ask questions after the presentation.

This session is suitable for public and professionals who want to know more about diabetes and the support on offer through Diabetes UK.

This event has now passed. Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events or visit our online events page to watch the recording.

How easy is it to give feedback to your GP?

How easy is it to give feedback to your GP?

In October 2023 we undertook a ‘health check’ of all GP practice websites in Northumberland across seven primary care networks (PCNs). There are 36 practice websites representing 45 individual surgeries. This was to see how easy it was to find information about how to raise a concern or give positive feedback and to see if signposting information for support in raising a concern was up-to-date and factually correct.

Why we did it

Patient feedback is an important part of improving patient experiences and outcomes, enabling the service provider to identify potential problem areas. Having clear processes also gives the opportunity for concerns to be dealt with swiftly to prevent escalation and to avoid undue confrontation with practice reception staff.

In most GP services complaint situations, the appropriate course of action is for a patient to initiate a complaint directly with their GP practice. Patient feedback to Healthwatch Northumberland has shown that many people seem unaware of how to resolve a complaint or concern through their GP surgery and what support options are available to them.

There have been recent changes to advocacy support in Northumberland, with VoiceAbility taking on the NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy Northumberland (ICAN) service, as well as national changes, with Integrated Care Boards(ICBs) now handling NHS primary care complaints – these were previously dealt with by NHS England.

We wanted to explore if these changes had been reflected on GP practice websites. We also wanted to gather evidence of the need for consistent messaging in order to ensure that the process of raising a concern is easy from a user’s point of view, and that signposting information is factually correct, so that patients have a clear understanding of their rights and options.

How we did it

Our staff and volunteers carried out research by visiting each GP practice website to review its complaints information. All of the websites were accessed via desktop computers and, where possible, using smartphones (29 out of the 36 websites) to ensure equal accessibility.

We are aware of other accessibility issues, for example, language barriers, and will carry out further research on this.

What we found

  • Nearly 60% of GP websites were found to be equally accessible from both desktop computer and smartphone.
  • There was a 50:50 split on whether or not information and support for raising a concern was easy to find on the websites – some information was found under different headings on the websites rather than on the main complaints page.
  • Complaints information, support options and signposting information was very muddled. Even where correct support organisation details were given, they weren’t always accompanied by the correct contact details or explanations of how the service could help.
  • In some cases, there were additional steps that needed to be taken when making a complaint online, for example, having to download forms, which could be a barrier to patients making the complaint.
  • There was a lot of variation in information and processes even between practices within the same PCN, for example, within one PCN, two practices have almost identical looking websites, but one practice directs patients to send complaints to NHS England, whereas the other directs them to the ICB.
  • Within another PCN, again, four practices have very similar looking websites, but two of them require the patient to attend the surgery in person to collect a complaint pack, one requires the patient to put a complaint in writing by post and only one practice offers the option of making a complaint online via email.

Read our full findings and recommendations

Online event – Health Trainers

Online event – Health Trainers

At our next online lunchtime event on Friday 12 April, 1pm-2pm, you can hear from local Health Trainers Jack and Kirsty.

They will give an outline of what support is on offer to help to improve and maintain health and wellbeing, plus details of 1:1 clinics, healthy lifestyle programmes, Weigh & Go programmes, health checks, Health Walks and more.

They will also share some top tips for keeping well and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.

This session is free to attend and open to anyone who lives or works in Northumberland.

This event has now passed – watch the recording

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Share for Better Care

Share for Better Care

Share for Better Care

Last year, Healthwatch received nearly 400,000 experiences of health and social care. When services are under pressure, feedback on care can be crucial to identify what is working and what issues need fixing. But not everyone’s voice is being heard.

‘Share for Better Care’ aims to help more people give feedback about their care, especially if their community experiences poor health outcomes.

Your experience matters to us

The simple act of sharing feedback is already helping to improve care for the people who use it. We want people to know that their feedback, no matter how small, has the power to transform health and social care across the country.

Together we can improve health and care, but we can only make a difference if we know about your experience.

Have your say

Please share your experience and help us make NHS decision-makers aware of what needs to change to improve access to care, for everyone. We’re completely independent and impartial, and anything you say is confidential.

Share your experiences


Online event – Time to talk about cancer

Online event – Time to talk about cancer

Friday 16 February 2024, 1pm – 2pm

Join us to hear from Maggie Bailey from Coping with Cancer North East who will talk about some of the myths around cancer.

She will also provide information on the care and support available in Northumberland through Coping with Cancer and other services.

There will be a chance to ask questions after the presentation.

This session is suitable for anyone who would like to know more about cancer and the support available, both professionals and members of the public.

This event has now passed.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events.

Online event – Stroke Association

Online event – Stroke Association

Join us on Friday 17 November, 1pm-2pm to hear a presentation from Janet Nesbitt, a volunteer from Stroke Association. (Please note this event has been rescheduled from Friday 10 November).

In this free, online public event Janet will provide an overview of stroke, including risk factors, stroke effects and what to do if you think someone is having a stroke.

We will also hear about local and national Stroke Association services, including support for stroke survivors and their carers, how to access advice and information and opportunities for volunteering. There will be a chance to ask questions.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event:

This event has now passed.

Menopause online event

Menopause online event

Menopause online event

Join us at our free menopause online event on Friday 8 September, 1pm-2pm, to hear from Jenny Haskey from The Menopause Charity.

Jenny will talk to us about what the menopause is, its impact on our future health and the treatment and lifestyle options which can help to manage symptoms. She will also give us information about useful support and resources provided by The Menopause Charity.

There will be a chance to ask questions after the presentation.

The session is suitable for anyone wanting to know more about the menopause and what support is available, including those experiencing menopause and their partners, friends and family members. It is also suitable for professionals who want further information about how to support those affected by the menopause.

Please note the session is not intended to provide specific individual clinical advice.

 and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming events.

This event has now passed

Social prescribing online event

Social prescribing online event

Free online social prescribing event

Join us for our next free online lunchtime event on Friday 11 August, between 1.00pm and 2.00pm. We’ll be joined by Lianne Watkins and Christine Mitchell, Living Well Coordinators for the West Northumberland Primary Care Network, who will talk about social prescribing and how it can help you and your family.

Many things affect our health and wellbeing, not just medical issues. In some cases your doctor, or other healthcare professional, may refer you to the social prescribing service. Social Prescribers can direct you to services that can help with things such as counselling services, arts and creative activities, social activities, employment and training and financial advice.

In the session Lianne and Christine will talk about how the service works, who can be referred and how you can be referred to this free service.

This session is suitable for anyone who is registered with one of the 12 GP practices within the West Northumberland PCN.

There will also be a chance to ask questions.

Find out more about the Living Well Coordination service.

This event has now passed

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming events.

Our Chair steps down

Our Chair steps down

Healthwatch Northumberland’s Chair, David Thompson, stepped down this month after six years in the role.

Healthwatch Northumberland is the independent health and social care champion for people in Northumberland and is delivered by Hexham-based charity Adapt (NE).

David has been at the helm since 2017 and has been instrumental in championing the voice of the people in health and social care decision making with those providing and commissioning services.

During his time as Chair of the Healthwatch Northumberland Board, David was involved with the Northumberland Health and Wellbeing Board, the Primary Care Commissioning Committee and the System Transformation Board, and for the past 12 months he represented the North East and North Cumbria Healthwatch Network on the Integrated Care Board.

David says “The past six years have flown by and it has been a real privilege to have shared a journey with such a dedicated band of staff, board members and volunteers. Meeting members of the public and professionals has been very rewarding as there has been and remains a determination from everyone to improve services even further.”

Before joining Healthwatch Northumberland David was Chair of leisure trust North Country Leisure and Tynedale Sports Council. Previous to that he was Head Teacher of Haydon Bridge High School for 19 years.

A new Chair is now in post and Peter Standfield of Morpeth will take the reins of the Healthwatch Northumberland Board.

David says he is ‘delighted’ with the appointment, adding “Peter will be a decided asset to Healthwatch Northumberland, bringing with him a broad range of experience and expertise.”

Healthwatch Northumberland’s Vice Chair Margaret Young is also leaving after six years in post. David told us “Margaret has been a stalwart of Healthwatch Northumberland since 2017. She has brought great knowledge and awareness to the board about what is happening in health and social care across the county.”

We’ll bring you more information about new chair Peter Standfield soon!


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Online event – NECA Gambling Support

Online event – NECA Gambling Support

Online event – NECA gambling support

Join us to hear from Amanda Sutcliffe from NECA who will be talking to us about gambling, understanding signs that gambling may have become harmful and the first steps in making changes. She will also outline the gambling information, advice and support provided by NECA across Northumberland and the North East. There will be a chance to ask questions.

This session is suitable for anyone concerned about their own or a loved one’s gambling or professionals supporting people where gambling may be a concern.

and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Sign up to our newsletter to hear about future events.

Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair

Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair

Find us at Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair at Prudhoe Community Hub on Wednesday 15 November from 10am to 2pm. There will be a variety of health and wellbeing organisations there on the day offering information and advice. Come and talk to us about health and care services you have used as a patient or a carer, pick up some information and a free giveaway.

Wellbeing Event at The Alnwick Garden

Wellbeing Event at The Alnwick Garden

Wellbeing event at The Alnwick Garden

We’ll be joining a host of health and wellbeing organisations at The Alnwick Garden on Thursday 26 October for a free wellbeing event in the Pavilion Room.

Offering advice and information on the day will be Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society, Northumberland Fire and Rescue, Northern Cancer Voices, Carers Northumberland and many more!

The event starts at 10am until 1pm and is open to all. No ticket is needed to access the event.

View the event flyer

Online event – Battle Scars

Online event – Battle Scars

Online event – Battle Scars

Join us on Friday 13 October, 1pm-2pm, for our next free online lunchtime event to hear from Jenny Groves, Founder and CEO of Battle Scars.

Battle Scars is a survivor-run charity providing support to those affected by self-harm.

Jenny will talk to us about the myths and realities of self-harm and the services and support available.

This session is suitable for people who self-harm and family, friends or professionals supporting those who self-harm.

There will also be a chance to ask questions.

and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming events.

Online event – Menopause

Online event – Menopause

Join us at our free online event to hear from Jenny Haskey from The Menopause Charity. Jenny will talk to us about what the menopause is, its impact on our future health and the treatment and lifestyle options which can help to manage symptoms. She will also give us information about useful support and resources provided by The Menopause Charity. There will be a chance to ask questions after the presentation.

The session is suitable for anyone wanting to know more about the menopause and what support is available, including those experiencing menopause and their partners, friends and family members. It is also suitable for professionals who want further information about how to support those affected by the menopause.

Please note the session is not intended to provide specific individual clinical advice.

and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming events.

Online event – Social Prescribing

Online event – Social Prescribing

Join us for our next free online event on Friday 11 August, 1pm-2pm with Lianne Watkins and Christine Mitchell, Living Well Coordinators for West Northumberland Primary Care Network, who will talk about social prescribing.

Many things affect our health and wellbeing, not just medical issues. In some cases your doctor, or other healthcare professional, may refer you to the social prescribing service. Social prescribers can direct you to services that can help with things such as counselling services, arts and creative activities, employment and training and financial advice.

In the session Lianne and Christine will share information on the referral criteria and process and how the service works.

This session is suitable for anyone who is registered with one of the 12 GP practices within the West Northumberland PCN.

There will also be a chance to ask questions.

Find out more about the Living Well Coordination service.

and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Wellness in Blyth Event

Wellness in Blyth Event

We’ll be at Blyth Community Hub in Keel Row Shopping Centre on Wednesday 15 March, 10.30am – 12.30pm, for the Wellness in Blyth event.

Local community and support groups including health trainers, Magic Memories and Silxteen Bar, will be at the centre offering a friendly face and advice.

Come and speak to us in confidence about NHS and social care services you have used over the last 12 months or pick up some free information.

Online event – Epilepsy Action

Online event – Epilepsy Action

Join us to hear from Simon Privett, Volunteer Coordinator for Epilepsy Action who will talk to us about what epilepsy is, how it can present, tips to help manage it and how we can help others living with epilepsy.

We will also hear what support is available from the charity and there will be a chance to ask questions.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event:

Online event – Royal Osteoporosis Society

Online event – Royal Osteoporosis Society

Join us to hear a presentation from Janet Boyd, a volunteer from the Royal Osteoporosis Society.

In this free, online public event Janet will provide an overview of osteoporosis, including signs and symptoms, risk factors, effects of osteoporosis and how to maintain good bone health.

We will also hear about local and national Royal Osteoporosis Society services, including support for people with osteoporosis and their carers, how to access advice and information and opportunities for volunteering. There will be a chance to ask questions.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event:

Online Event – Stroke Association

Online Event – Stroke Association

Please note this event has been rescheduled from Friday 10 November to Friday 17 November.

Join us on Friday 17 November, 1pm-2pm to hear a presentation from Janet Nesbitt, a volunteer Community Connector from Stroke Association.

In this free, online public event Janet will provide an overview of stroke, including risk factors, stroke effects and what to do if you think someone is having a stroke.

We will also hear about local and national Stroke Association services, including support for stroke survivors and their carers, how to access advice and information and opportunities for volunteering. There will be a chance to ask questions.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event: