
Menopause Day: A tale of two Tinas

Menopause Day: A tale of two Tinas

World Menopause Day: A tale of two Tinas

On World Menopause Day this year we wanted to highlight the differences in treatment from healthcare services in Northumberland that two women have experienced as they go through the menopause.

‘A tale of two Tinas’ is two women’s experience of healthcare treatment for perimenopause and menopause, told from their own point of view.

Given that almost half of the population of Northumberland are going to go through the menopause at some stage in their lives, we would hope that Tina R’s story, outlined below, would be the most common experience.

A Tale of Two Tinas: World Menopause Day 2021

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of menopause at the NHS website.

Miss Menopause is a Facebook group for working women in the north east.


Why don’t you tell us your story of the healthcare services you have used during the menopause, and help us build a picture of what’s happening across the county.