
Portfolio Items


Northumberland Pride

Northumberland Pride

We’re so pleased to be a part of the Northumberland Pride event again this year.

Northumberland Pride is a county wide organisation set up in 2017 to raise awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT+) culture and heritage. This is done this by promoting equality and diversity for the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The group also provides safe spaces which break down barriers that promote inclusion and support across Northumberland.

2018 saw the first Northumberland Pride in Alnwick. The event was attended by over 2,500 people and thecolourful march through the town centre of Alnwick attracted over 500 people. Visit our stand to tell us about your experiences of NHS care and social care – you could win our fantastic sequin dog!

Northumberland Pride website

Sequinned cuddly dog toy

Sequin Dog Northumberland Pride

Jolly Holiday Christmas Party

Jolly Holiday Christmas Party (FREE EVENT) is organised by LGBT+ Northern Social Group (NSG). The party will bring children together from families and allies of the LGBT+ community. Any funds raised from the event (raffles etc) will go to worthy causes across the North of England.

The party will offer plenty of fun and games, music, entertainers, raffles (with some fantastic prizes, from Amazon Fire tablets, through to restaurant vouchers/gift cards, toys, drink and electrical appliances), buffet and live music performances, and a visit from Father Christmas. The bar will be open, serving a selection of soft drinks for the children, and a great selection of drinks for adults.

So get your tickets and support us in making this a fantastic 2018 Christmas, for all.

Please note, you do not need to be LGBT+, all are welcome.

Please select number of tickets required, including number of adults attending.

Party begins at 3.00pm and ends at 5.00pm on Sunday 16th December.


Northumberland Pride

The very first Northumberland Pride event will take place on 2 June this year. The day will feature a parade and a main stage with live music. An array of community focused stalls will be there on the day, providing information from local organisations and the services they offer. Healthwatch Northumberland has already booked a stall; the team are looking forward to being a part of this exciting event happening in our county.

More details of the event will follow. Find out more at the Northumberland Pride Facebook page.

LGBT Community Culture training session

Are you a member of the lesbian, gay bisexual and/or trans community? Do you have an interest in social inclusion, health and wellbeing? Would you like to be a part of a network that listens and provides opportunities for you to share your values? Would you like to be an LGBT community role model?

Our community culture project (managed by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and funded through the National Lottery Big Lottery Fund) aims to raise awareness of topics and build more inclusive networks and peer support in Northumberland.

These training events will help you to better understand the things that LGBT people have in common, and how homophobia and heterosexism can make LGBT lives more difficult. The events are mainly aimed at LGBT people or people who have a strong personal understanding of the LGBT experience.


Order of Day:

12:30pm Delegate arrival/registration (teas/coffees on arrival)

12:45pm Course Start

14:30pm Break

16:00 Close

Register for this free event here.