
Care Home visiting Northumberland

Care Home visiting Northumberland

Care Home visiting in Northumberland

At our online forums we have heard how visiting restrictions in care homes have affected people living there and their relatives. We have also heard about people’s experiences of other ways of keeping in touch during Covid-19. From 8 March those who live in care homes have been able to receive one regular designated visitor.  We want to hear from you about your experience of this change, and what would help as restrictions are gradually eased.

We are holding another online forum on 31 March at 2.00pm -3.30pm where Dr Jim Brown, Consultant in Public Health at Northumberland County Council and Alan Curry, Senior Manager – Commissioning Northumberland County Council, will be there to answer your questions on the visiting guidance for care homes from a public health and county council perspective and what we may expect for care home visits in Northumberland as we move on from Covid-19.

If you would like to register for a space please contact or call us on 03332 408468.

If you cannot come along but have a question you would like an answer to, send it to us and we will ask it for you.

If you are a relative or friend of someone in a care home in Northumberland we would love to hear more on your thoughts about keeping in touch with loved ones and activities within the home, particularly post Covid-19 as restrictions start to ease. With this feedback we hope to find practical recommendations that will improve the experience for people living in care homes and their loved ones in the future. We would really appreciate your feedback by completing the survey below.

Care homes survey

Government guidance on care home visits

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