
Your Help Needed! – In It Together Event

In It Together has been working with staff at County Hall on future developments in SEND (special educational needs and disabilities). They are keen to work with more parents and carers across the county on a number of tasks. These include co-producing different pieces of information.

One of the tasks is to revise the forms that you and your children/young people fill in, which state your thoughts and feelings around their education and needs. Nicola Taylor (SEND Project Manager) and Angela Davies (School Improvement Lead for SEND) will be coming along to In It Together locality meetings to introduce and work through some of the tasks. They are keen to involve as many people as possible to obtain a broad range of views, so if you can spare a couple of hours to attend it would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to attend but wish to contribute please get in touch.

SEND Information Roadshow – Ashington

SEND Information Roadshow – Ashington

These roadshows from In It Together Parent Carer Forum and Northumberland County Council are for the families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Northumberland and the professionals who work with them.

The events, which are also at Alnwick on 21 September and Hexham on 25 September will have information stalls from a wide range of services and organisations, including Healthwatch Northumberland, plus workshops including the topics: Special Educational Needs and Preparing for Adulthood.

Booking isn’t required, just come along any time between 1pm and 6pm.

For more information please contact In It Together by emailing: or call: 0772 919 2909.