Tell us how you use your local pharmacy: Alnwick
Come and see us at Alnwick Fish Market! We’re working with Northumberland County Council to assess pharmacy services in the county and want to hear from you.
Most of us use pharmacy services at some time or another. By telling us how you and your family use these services you can help make improvements for everyone in your community.
What you tell us about how you use your local pharmacy will help the council to write a local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, which will help to ensure that your local pharmacy provides the service you need both now and in the future.
You can also leave feedback about any NHS or social care service you’ve used, or ask a question about local services and support. We’ll have some great giveaways to hand out too.
Or tell us about using pharmacies online:
Leave feedback on any NHS or social care service you’ve used in the last 12 months