
Mental Health Day Northumberlandia Walk

Celebrate World Mental Health Day by joining Talking Matters Northumberland’s ‘Being Active Matters‘ walk at Northumberlandia, Cramlington, on 10 October this year.

Numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of sport and exercise on mental wellbeing. Regular physical activity can improve mood, lift self-esteem and reduce stress. Very often people lack the confidence and motivation to make that first step, and that is where Being Active Matters comes in to offer invaluable support, to help connect volunteers and people who want to get more active.

Everyone is welcome – whether you are interested in volunteering or you would just like to know more about the scheme.

Refreshments are available afterwards at The Parlour, Blagdon.

If you would like to attend please contact: or

For mental health resources and local support please see our Your Health pages.