
Where to get urgent healthcare Northumberland

Where to get urgent healthcare Northumberland

Where to get urgent healthcare if you live in Northumberland

Accident and Emergency departments in our area are already seeing large increases in the number of visitors as we head into winter. Unless the issue is potentially life-threatening, consider using one of the Urgent Care Centres or Minor Injuries Units in the region. Here you can be treated for things such as cuts, strains and bites and children’s minor ailments. Remember that pharmacists can give advice and some medications without an appointment. If you’re unsure of where to go, NHS 111 can point you in the right direction.

Opening times

Urgent Care Centres

  • Wansbeck General Hospital (Ashington): 8.00am-10.00pm
  • Hexham General Hospital: 8.00am-10.00pm
  • North Tyneside General Hospital: 8.00am-12 midnight

Minor Injuries Units

  • Alnwick Infirmary: 7.45am to 8.30pm
  • Berwick Infirmary: 24 hours

For advice on and support with children and young people’s health, visit the Healthier Together website. You can find lots of information about NHS and community services on our Find Services webpage.

Are you struggling to access health services this winter?

Are you struggling to access health services this winter?

With the NHS under extra pressure this winter, we need to hear your experiences of care to help services understand what is working and spot issues affecting support for you and your loved ones.

The NHS is facing added pressures this winter. This means that it can be more challenging for people to receive the care they need.

Feedback from the public can play a vital role in helping health and social care services understand what is working and spot issues affecting the care of local people.

This is why we have launched a campaign to get more people to share their experiences of care this winter.

If you or a loved one have used GPs, hospitals, pharmacies, care homes or other support services this winter, we want to hear about your experience.

Every experience matters

Have you faced challenges or delays accessing health and care services this winter? If you have, we want to know how this has affected your health and wellbeing.

Have you found accessing NHS services easy? Are there any aspects of the care you got that you really valued?

Your positive or negative feedback can help services hear what is working and spot issues affecting care for you and your loved ones.

Have your say

Please share your experience and help us make NHS decision-makers aware of what needs to change to improve access to care.

We’re completely independent and impartial, and anything you say is confidential.

Share your story

You can also provide feedback on care by giving us a call on: 03332 408 468

How to stay well this winter

How to stay well this winter

Winter conditions present an increased risk to our health, especially if you are older or have a long-term health condition such as heart or kidney disease, asthma or diabetes.

Being cold can raise the risk of increased blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. The cold, damp weather can aggravate existing health problems, making you more vulnerable to respiratory winter illnesses. Here are some tips to help you stay well this winter.

Top tips to stay well from the NHS

  • Make sure you get your COVID-19 booster and flu vaccination if you are eligible.
  • Keep warm by wrapping up, wearing lots of layers of thin clothes.
  • Stay active by moving around indoors, avoid sitting for more than one hour. Keeping active can also support your mental health.
  • Keep the heat in by drawing your curtains at dusk and keeping doors closed to block draughts. Try and heat rooms you regularly use to at least 18°C and keep your windows closed at night. Make sure you’re getting the help you’re entitled to with heating costs.
  • Use a hot water bottle or an electric blanket to keep warm in bed – but don’t use both at the same time.
  • Have at least one hot meal a day. Eating regular meals and drinking hot beverages can help you keep warm.
  • Look after your mental health by speaking to someone – a friend, family member or healthcare professional, like your doctor – if you are feeling down. Check out the NHS website for support on where to get urgent mental health support.
  • Make sure you have the right medicines at home in case you get poorly. Ask your pharmacist if you are unsure.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water:
    • When you get home or into work;
    • After you blow your nose, sneeze or cough; and
    • Before you eat.
  • If you get ill, rest and keep warm, drink lots of liquids, have at least one hot meal each day and take the tablets you have been recommended by a healthcare professional.

If you get ill

  • If you think you need medical help right now, call 111 by phone or use NHS 111 online.
  • If it is a real emergency and life-threatening, then you can call 999.
  • If it’s less urgent contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Look out for others

  • Keep in touch with your friends, neighbours and family and ask if they need any practical help, or if they’re feeling under the weather.
  • Make sure they’re stocked up with enough food supplies for a few days, in case they can’t go out.
  • If they do need to go out in the cold, encourage them to wear shoes with a good grip and a scarf around the mouth to protect them from the cold air, and to reduce their risk of chest infections.
  • Make sure they get any prescription medicines before the holiday period starts and if bad weather is forecast.
  • If you’re concerned about someone’s health or safety, call NHS 111 for health advice, or 999 in an emergency.

Download the NHS stay well this winter leaflet

Download the NHS stay well this winter easy read leaflet

Need more advice?

Read more tips on keeping well this winter at the NHS website.


Tell us about your Covid booster

Rising cost of living – local resources

Rising cost of living – local resources

The rising cost of living is having an effect on households and organisations across the country. With energy bills rising, it can be difficult to afford household bills, food and other living expenses.

VONNE – Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East – has put together a list of useful resources and information to explain more about the rising cost of living with tips on how to reduce your bills and stay safe this winter.


Flu jabs for health and care workers

Flu jabs for health and care workers

Health and care professionals are being encouraged to get their annual flu jab.

If you work in health or care this is the most effective way to protect yourself, your family and those you care for.

This is anything but a typical year and we all want to protect ourselves and those close to us. Due to the potential impact of influenza and Covid-19 it’s now more important than ever to protect ourselves from getting the flu.

The flu virus spreads from person-to-person, even amongst those not showing any symptoms. Frontline workers are at an increased risk of contracting flu and it’s very easy to pass the virus on without knowing. Even if you’re healthy, you can still get flu and spread it to the people you care for, your colleagues and to your family.

Getting your flu jab is simple, easy and free. All you need to do is ask your employer.

The injected flu vaccine given to adults contains inactivated flu viruses so it cannot give you flu. The most common side effect can be a slight temperature or your arm may feel a bit sore where you had the injection. Other reactions are rare.

If you are not a health or care worker but would like to find out more about getting a flu jab visit the NHS website to check if you are eligible.