
Spotlight on: GRACE

Spotlight on: GRACE

GRACE (Northumberland Rape Crisis)

Grace is part of Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland. It supports women and girls aged 13 upwards who have experienced any kind of sexual violence at any time in their lives. Their services are for all women and girls; this includes those who identify as Lesbian, Bi, Trans and/or Queer and black and minority ethnic women and girls.  Also, refugees and those seeking asylum, and disabled women and girls as well as those with additional learning needs.

There are many forms of sexual violence including: rape, sexual assault, online sexual abuse, sending sexual images without consent, stalking, partner and stranger sexual abuse. Grace supports women and girls whether the abuse they experienced was recent or historic.

What is on offer:

  • Counselling; from women counsellors who are accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. There are a number of confidential outreach bases across Northumberland where counselling takes place.
  • Practical and emotional support; specialising in supporting women and girls to navigate the criminal justice process and also offering support with housing, finances, employment, education, health, or just having someone to talk to who can provide reassurance and encouragement.

Telephone: 0191 222 0272 (general enquiries and referrals)

Helpline & Email Support: 0800 035 2794 or (Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs 6pm – 8:30pm and Fri 11am – 2pm)

Visit the GRACE website


Find more support for domestic abuse and sexual violence at our Find Services page.


Sexual Violence & Older Women Project Launch

Sexual Violence & Older Women Project Launch


Research carried out by Dr Hannah Bows, Centre for Research into Violence & Abuse at Durham University, identified that:

  • Few older people contact specialist sexual services after experiencing rape or sexual assault.
  • Older women face specific barriers and challenges which make it difficult to access support, this includes a lack of awareness of services and confusion around who can help them.
  • Older women face myths and stereotypes about them and their experiences of sexual violence which impact on their recovery.

Rape Crisis Tyneside & Northumberland has been successful in securing funding to help tackle the barriers older women face and reach out to more survivors.

This event will celebrate the launch of the project, find out more about this subject and be a chance to meet the new Community Engagement Worker for Older Women, Margie Cooper.

The event will feature a presentation and discussion:

Sexual Violence & Older People

Led by: Dr Hannah Bows

Hannah is an Assistant Professor in Criminal Law, Director of Equality and Diversity within Durham Law School and is Deputy Director of the Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA).

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