Below is some key information to help refugees from Ukraine access health and care services in the UK. If you need any help finding a health or social care service please get in touch.
A guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK
The Government has put together a guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK. This includes important information on accessing healthcare, benefits, essential public services, education and housing.
How the NHS works
‘How The NHS Works’ is a leaflet with images which has also been translated into Ukrainian.
What medical support are you entitled to if you’re new to the UK?
For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Healthwatch England outlines your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
This page also explains how to find a local pharmacy, optician and dentist.
First Aid
St John Ambulance is providing first aid guidance and support to people from Ukraine. Find translated resources at their website.
Barnardo’s Ukrainian support helpline
Barnardo’s has set up a Ukrainian Support Helpline to provide a holistic support service to anyone fleeing to the UK as a result of the war in Ukraine. There is also some useful information for host families on their website.
Call: 0800 148 8586 or email: for support. Monday to Friday (10am-8pm), Saturday (10am-3pm)
Cost of living information and support
Our cost of living information booklet gives details of organisations which can offer support with energy costs, prescription and healthcare appointments costs, food, and mental health. The booklet can be downloaded as a pdf, or get in touch if you’d like a free printed copy or copies in the post.
Accessing NHS 111
The following information has been translated into Ukrainian and explains how to access the NHS 111 service.
To access NHS 111 in another language, you just need to say “interpreter” to the call handler and then say the language you wish to communicate in.
Social prescribing
Social prescribing can support you with any non-medical needs you may have, by linking you to sources of help. If you choose to use the service, you will be assigned a Social Prescriber, or Living Well Coordinator, who will initially provide up to eight sessions of support. They can help with issues such as emotional wellbeing, finances and benefits, family, relationships and parenting, employment and skills, social networks and healthy lifestyles.
To access the service, ask any member of staff at your GP practice for a referral.
Useful contacts
Northumberland County Council
Age UK Northumberland
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Education and Skills
Here you will find information about schools and colleges, term and holiday dates, adult courses, apprenticeships, enrolment and support.
Healthwatch England
Information and advice on health and social care