Where next? What you told us
Every year we conduct an annual satisfaction survey with the residents of Northumberland to find out what they thought about the NHS and social care services they have used over the last 12 months. We also look at how this compares with the previous years’ results. With 2020-21 being such an exceptional year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year we decided to shift the focus away from looking back over the preceding year and more towards the forthcoming year. Therefore, the aims of this year’s annual survey were to:
• Gain an overview of satisfaction levels with health and social care services in the preceding 12 months
• Gain clear direction from the residents of Northumberland which two health services and which two social care services we should prioritise in our work for the next year and why.
We received a total of 617 responses to our survey of which 199 were via the online version and 418 were paper copies returned via freepost or completed at a face-to-face event.
Read more – Where next: what you told us in our Annual Survey 2021.
To leave feedback on services at any time or ask a question of our Information and Signposting Service, please get in touch.