Your feedback: January to March 2022
As your local health and social care champion, we listen to your experiences of using NHS and social care services so that those running and paying for services know what is working well and where improvements can be made. We also help you find the support and services you need through our Signposting and Information Service.
Over the last three months we heard from people through our website, social media, telephone calls, by post, emails and at events. Our monthly Here to Hear drop-in events across the county continued, and our themed online sessions are proving popular – this quarter we heard from the Integrated Wellbeing Service about the health-related services it provides, from the West Northumberland Living Well Service (social prescribing) and from Parkinson’s UK.
In total we had feedback about services from 75 people and signposted 25 people to services or answered their questions.
Find out more about who we heard from, what they told us and which services we’ve been hearing about, in our latest report.
To tell us about your experiences of care, or that of a friend or family member, please get in touch.