COVID-19 booster vaccinations

The NHS booster vaccination programme for autumn/winter 2024 is now closed.

COVID-19 boosters are offered to people at highest risk of serious illness. You can find more information on the NHS website.

Those eligible include:

  • Adults aged 75 and over
  • Residents in older adult care homes
  • Immunosuppressed people aged 6 months and over
  • Frontline NHS and social care workers, and those working in care homes for older people.

Some pharmacies are offering private Covid-19 vaccinations for a fee. Please contact your pharmacy directly for more information.

Read more about COVID-19 booster vaccinations

Useful websites

Mental health support

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important, now more than ever. The pandemic may have left you feeling low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you.

Local and national organisations offering advice and support:

Every Mind Matters

Young Minds

NHS Northumberland Talking Therapies

Cygnus Support

Mental Health Foundation

Anxiety UK

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust self-help guides

What is Long Covid?

After contracting COVID-19 it can take up to 12 weeks for your symptoms to disappear and for you to make a full recovery from the virus. For some people, COVID-19 can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. When symptoms go on longer than 12 weeks this is known as ‘Long Covid’.

Read more from the NHS

Local support and services

Northumberland Communities Together from NCC

Citizens Advice Northumberland

Onecall: If you are worried about the immediate welfare (health or well-being) of a child or adult contact Onecall – 01670 536400 – 24 hour service, every day.

Northumberland coronavirus hub

Cost of living support

Coronavirus advice for people with specific concerns or conditions

Covid-19 and long term conditions Northumberland

Many organisations and charities are offering advice on how to best manage the risk of catching COVID-19 and how to best manage the symptoms whilst also living with a specific condition. If you would like more information about a particular condition please get in touch.