
Prudhoe Healthy Living Week

Prudhoe Healthy Living Week

We are taking part in Prudhoe Community Partnership’s ‘Prudhoe Healthy Living Week’, which runs from Monday 25 April until lunchtime on Saturday 30 April at Prudhoe Community Hub (61 Front Street).

Local organisations will be offering activities and information about physical and mental health support throughout the week, and we will be there on Tuesday 26 April from 10am until 3pm.

Come along and see us – we’ll have information and freebies to give away. We’d also like to hear about how you use your local pharmacy services. Hope to see you there!


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Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair

Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair

Find us at Prudhoe Health and Wellbeing Fair at Prudhoe Community Hub on Wednesday 15 November from 10am to 2pm. There will be a variety of health and wellbeing organisations there on the day offering information and advice. Come and talk to us about health and care services you have used as a patient or a carer, pick up some information and a free giveaway.

Healthy Prudhoe Week

Healthy Prudhoe Week

We are taking part in Prudhoe Community Partnership’s ‘Healthy Prudhoe Week’, which runs from Monday 15 May until Friday 19 May at Prudhoe Community Hub (61 Front Street).

Local organisations will be offering activities and health information throughout the week. We will be there on Thursday 18 May from 10am until 3pm instead of our usual monthly drop-in at the Spetchells Centre. Hope to see you there!

Prudhoe Healthy Living Week

Prudhoe Healthy Living Week

We are taking part in Prudhoe Community Partnership’s ‘Prudhoe Healthy Living Week’, which runs from Monday 25 April until lunchtime on Saturday 30 April at Prudhoe Community Hub (61 Front Street). Local organisations will be offering activities and information about physical and mental health support throughout the week, and we will be there on Tuesday 26 April from 10am until 3pm. Hope to see you there!