Do you use Day Services?
Do you or someone you care for use Day Services in Northumberland?
Day Services in Northumberland are being reviewed to see what they need to provide to meet the needs, expectations, and aspirations of current and future service users. There has been a reducing number of older people attending Day Services in Northumberland over the past few years resulting in services closing due to lack of demand. This has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic with most of the Day Services being closed for the past 11 months. Additionally, current Day Services for younger adults with learning disabilities and/or mental health conditions are being reviewed to see if they provide what is needed to enhance people’s lives and support independence.
If you, or someone you care for use Day Services, what has the impact been for you of these services not running for almost a year now? Have you been able to use the service in a different way, for example, online? If and when day services can be provided again, would you like them to run the same as before the pandemic or with some online provision? What do you think the issues and barriers would be to running services differently?
Please let us know your views and whether you would be willing to take part in conversations around day services in the future.
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