Feedback from August 2024

Health and social care feedback August 2024

We heard from 148 this month. Hospitals and GP services were the services we heard the most about. The quality of care or service received in hospitals was a concern for people, and also communication issues.

Patients feeling pressured to access GP services online continues to be something we hear about. Half of the comments were received about GP services were highly complimentary about the quality of service received.

This month’s focus

As well as our usual Here to Hear sessions, we spoke to people at Magic Memories cafe in Blyth, Cramlington Warm Hub, Blyth Central Family Hub Pride event and Hexham Farmers’ Mart.

We carried out three ‘Enter and View’ visits at care homes in Hexham, Ashington and Morpeth. The findings of these visits will be published soon.

Our resource ‘How to get the most from your GP appointment’ was published this month along with our health visiting services report.

We continued to promote the Big Conversation women’s health campaign, with over 500 responses to date.

The online session was from NSPCC, giving information on the new Building Connections service to help tackle loneliness in children. See ‘Impact’ section below for more details.


At our online talk by NSPCC’s Building Connections service, a representative of Harrogate and District Foundation Trust introduced herself to the speakers and said “This is an amazing and sadly well needed service for young people so well done! I represent the NHS 0-19 Service and would like to share this
presentation with our 5-19 workforce (School Nurses). Could I share this recording with them to raise awareness and support the referrals into your service?”. NSPCC were happy to work with her.

Positive feedback

A patient told us they had recently attended their local Urgent Care Centre.

They reported “I attended at 9.00am and was seen by a nurse by 9.10am. I was very well looked after. The nurse established the situation and organised for me to be seen by a doctor who attended within minutes.
“They gave me a thorough examination, identified the situation and provided advice and medication. I left the centre at 9.25am feeling a lot better. The staff were great: caring, warm and professional – a very good example of excellence. Thank you.”

Negative feedback

A patient reported witnessing an elderly man in their GP surgery experiencing breathlessness and dizziness, trying to make an appointment to see a GP. The receptionist asked if he had a smartphone and told him to use the NHS App to book his appointment. The man said he had a phone but didn’t know if it was a smartphone. Another receptionist asked to see the man’s phone and said ‘yes, it’s capable’. When the man told them that he didn’t know how to use the App, the receptionist suggested he asked a family member or friend to help him.

Service providers and number of enquiries

Royal Victoria Infirmary – 6
Newcastle Hospitals – audiology – 4
Valens Medical Group – 3
Burn Brae Medical Group – 3
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – 2
Alnwick Medical Group – 2
Railway Medical Group – 2
Greystoke Surgery – 2
Hexham General Hospital – 2
Adult Social Care – 2

Download our August 2024 summary as a pdf