Have your say on diabetic eye screening
NHS England would like to hear from people with diabetes and those who support them, about their views on diabetic eye screening and how to improve the service in the future.
The Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) aims to reduce the risk of sight loss amongst those living with diabetes by early identification and effective treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
The screening programme invites anyone with diabetes aged 12 years or over for digital eye screening once a year. Your views will help shape the way the screening programme is delivered going forward.
You can also give your views for improving the service by emailing: Trudie.metcalfe@nhs.net
All feedback should be submitted by Saturday 6 August 2022.
Read more about diabetic eye screening (including Easy Read)
If you would like to tell us about any diabetes or eye health services you have used recently please get in touch.