Hearing loss services
Audiology services for residents of Northumberland
When accessing audiology appointments there are five general appointments open to patients:
- First hearing assessment
- Hearing aid fitting
- Re-assessment of hearing and fitting
- Repairs (booked appointments only)
- Troubleshoot appointments
Appointments may be offered at The Freeman Hospital or other local clinics across Northumberland. To request batteries or replacement tubing call: 0191 223 1043, email: tnu-tr.audiology@nhs.net or visit the Newcastle Hospitals website.
We are currently doing a piece of work on how people in Northumberland are accessing audiology services. If you, or someone close to you, uses these services, or have used them in the last two years, we’d like to hear from you. This could be at The Freeman Hospital where the service is based, or at one of the outreach clinics.
Your feedback will help the NHS know what is working well and how the service could be improved.
Please share your experiences of accessing audiology services