Healthwatch Northumberland Quarterly Report July – September 2018
People who live in Northumberland and who use health and social care services tell Healthwatch Northumberland about their experiences throughout the year. This report shares the themes which emerged from 1 July to 30 September 2018. The next report will cover October to December 2018.
We receive feedback and enquiries from:
- Talking to people at local community events
- Telephone calls, emails and social media
- Surveys
- Focus groups on specific issues
We are open to all feedback about health and social care services but respondents to our Annual Survey identified five priorities for specific focus these are mental health services, dementia care services, home care, GP services and access to services.
Between July and September 2018 we had 59 individual pieces of unsolicited feedback and we spoke to 170 people at 32 engagement events.