
NHS survey for deaf patients

NHS survey for deaf patients

If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust wants to understand more about your experiences of using hospital services in Northumberland and North Tyneside. Your feedback is really important and will help us to improve your hospital care. This survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete – your responses are confidential and no individuals will be identified in completing it.


Complete the Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing patients survey


Please note that the survey has not been designed for deaf people who use BSL; feedback is being gathered from BSL users through the BSL Health Navigator Project in association with Deaflink. If you are a BSL user and would like to give your feedback about our services or would like more information about the Navigator Project, visit:  or contact (or Phone: 0191 281 2314; SMS/Text only: 07897 329 359).

If you would like further information about this survey, please email: and mark for the attention of Faye Gates.