What you told us: June 2024

This month we continued to hear about communication issues and poor quality of care at hospitals in the region. There were also several positive comments about the quality of care received from GP surgeries.

We raised with a primary care group that a link on its website wasn’t working. The practice manager replied to say that they had fixed the link and thanked us for letting them know. Patients were now able to access the information in the weblink.

Negative feedback

A woman told us about the problems she and her husband had with the Anima system at their GP. They have to use Anima to book appointments and patients are actively discouraged from ringing the surgery. They say Anima is not intuitive – when the email is received about the appointment, the only option to reply is ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Husband wrote “I would like to see someone in person about this” and got a reply saying, “You have cancelled this appointment”. Husband now chooses to go to A&E for assistance as says it’s quicker than waiting two to three weeks for a GP appointment. (Castle Morpeth resident)

Positive feedback

A gentleman contacted us and said that he has experienced very good care at his GP surgery. He needs regular repeat prescriptions and likes that fact that he can walk straight in, fill in a repeat prescription form at the desk, hand it in, then walk just two minutes down the road to the pharmacy. On one occasion he fell over at home and went straight to his GP surgery expecting to be told he’d have to book an appointment. They asked him to take a seat and he was seen by a GP within 20 minutes. He likes knowing that he can drop-in in this way if he needs to and won’t be turned away. (Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley resident)

You can read more in our short feedback report for June 2024