What you told us March 2023

Health and care feedback in Northumberland March 2023

During March you continued to share your concerns about NHS dental provision in the county, GP appointments and mental health services.

We launched our ‘How are you feeling?’ young people’s campaign with a number of local high schools helping to share the information with students.

To investigate why a higher proportion of children aged 0-5 in the Blyth area attend A&E compared to those elsewhere in Northumberland, we held focus groups with Blyth residents as part of a joint piece of work with Blyth Primary Care Network. The report will follow shortly.

Read our short monthly report to see at a glance who we heard from during the month and the services they fed back on.

What you tell us helps us build a picture of what is working well and where there are issues in services, and is taken into account by those providing services when making decisions about local care.

Healthwatch Northumberland report March 2023