
AGM 2022: Questions and draft minutes

AGM 2022: Questions and draft minutes

A big thank you to everyone who came along to our AGM ‘All Change!’ and Review of the Year 2022 at Northumberland College in Ashington on 19 October. Special thanks also go to the students and staff at the college and our speakers Rachel Mitcheson of the NENC Integrated Care Board and Neil Bradley of adult social care at Northumberland County Council.

Around 100 people came to the event where we heard about upcoming changes in NHS and social care from those leading the changes. We also gave a review of our work over the last 12 months and enjoyed lunch and a chance to chat to guests.

Have a look at the photos from the event on our Facebook page.

The presentations, draft minutes, plus answers to the questions raised before and during the event can be found below.

AGM 2022 presentations

AGM 2022 draft minutes

Northumberland Pride 2021

Northumberland Pride 2021

This year’s Northumberland Pride event takes place at People’s Park, Ashington on Saturday 28 August. The event will be ticketed for the first time, to make sure that it can go ahead in a Covid-safe way.

Kicking off at 11.00am the day will include live entertainment, a Health and Wellbeing Zone in partnership with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust, and a Children, Young People and Families Area in partnership with regional charity NE Youth.

We will once again have a Healthwatch Northumberland stall, so come and see us and tell us your care experiences. Plus you could win a prize or take home a goodie bag.

Book tickets

Knowledge gap restricts mental health support to the vulnerable

Knowledge gap restricts mental health support to the vulnerable

Last year we launched the Your Voice Fund, and awarded four small grants to local organisations to run projects with their service users.

These projects are helping us to gather the views of people whose experiences we don’t hear enough about, in particular, people with learning disabilities, people from LGBTQ+ communities, young people, black, asian and minority ethnic communities and people living in Northumberland through asylum or refugee resettlement programmes.

Being Woman, based in Ashington and Blyth, have been using the grant to support a conversation café activity called ‘KITES – when you are your own voice’. People from various ethnic backgrounds and at risk of social isolation have been sharing their ideas, thoughts and experiences of health and social care services.

The latest report from Being Woman shows that there is a knowledge gap restricting mental health support to the most vulnerable people in Northumberland.

A total of 61 people from BAME groups including asylum seekers and refugees were surveyed with questions around general mental health knowledge, services used and proposed future needs. 8 out of 10 people said they didn’t know they could speak with their GP about anxiety, low mood and depression.

Among the suggestions listed by respondents for better knowledge on mental health were leaflets, support groups, translation services, clubs and therapists.

Read the full report here

If you would like to tell us about your recent experience of mental health services give us a call on 03332 408 468 or tell us your story here.


Drop-in session – Hirst Welfare, Ashington

Drop-in session – Hirst Welfare, Ashington

Healthwatch Northumberland drop-in at Hirst Welfare, Ashington February 2025

We’ll be joining Wansbeck Community Links at their regular coffee morning on Wednesday 19 February, 10am – 11.30am.

Call in and speak with one of our friendly team, in confidence, about your experiences of health and care services. You can also find out more about local services with our free Information and Signposting Service and pick up one of our fantastic giveaways!

We also hold Here to Hear sessions in Alnwick, Morpeth and Hexham. Full details of all of our drop-in sessions


Virsa Fest at Being Woman

Virsa Fest at Being Woman

We will be attending Being Woman‘s Virsa Fest 2022 on Saturday 18 June – celebrating the rich and diverse cultural heritage of ethnically diverse communities in Northumberland.

The event is marked with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and a way to come together to find more about commonwealth countries. There will be stalls, food, singing and dancing performances, storytelling and fun activities.

Find out more about the event and register here: VIRSA FEST 2022 Tickets, Sat 18 Jun 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite


Northumberland Pride 2021

Northumberland Pride 2021

This year’s Northumberland Pride event takes place at People’s Park, Ashington on Saturday 28 August. The event will be ticketed for the first time, to make sure that it can go ahead in a Covid-safe way.

Kicking off at 11.00am the day will include live entertainment, a Health and Wellbeing Zone in partnership with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust, and a Children, Young People and Families Area in partnership with regional charity NE Youth.

We will once again have a Healthwatch Northumberland stall, so come and see us and tell us your care experiences. Plus you could win a prize or take home a goodie bag.

Book tickets

Come and talk to us at: Ashington Market

Come and talk to us at: Ashington Market

Healthwatch Northumberland is getting back on the road this summer and we are looking forward to safely getting back out in the community! Come and talk to us about your experience of NHS and social care services and pick up a goody bag.

The Healthwatch Northumberland Annual Survey 2021 is running from Monday 21 June to Friday 23 July this year. It is your opportunity to let us know what went well and what could be improved and together we can help make care better for everyone in Northumberland.

This event will take place at Ashington Market.

See where else you can find us over the next few weeks: Healthwatch Northumberland – Back on the Road

If you can’t come and see us at one of our events you can share your views via the online survey or get in touch to ask for a postal copy with freepost return.

Laburnum Surgery closure – online forum

Laburnum Surgery closure – online forum

NHS Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has made the decision to close Laburnum GP Surgery in Ashington.

The CCG’s primary care commissioning committee made the decision, last week, to end the contract of Laburnum Medical Group following inspections carried out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and ongoing investigations carried out by the CCG, which identified issues with the quality of care provided.

The practice, which provides healthcare for 2400 patients from Ashington and the surrounding areas, including Wansbeck, Morpeth, Newbiggin and Bedlington, will close by the end of July.

Patients at the practice have been written to and allocated another GP at a nearby surgery.

We are holding an online forum for patients to discuss any concerns they have about the closure of the surgery and their ongoing healthcare.

To register please email: or call: 03332 408468.

The forums will take place via Zoom. Read our guide on how to use Zoom. If you would like help setting up Zoom on your device please ask.


Read more about the closure of Laburnum Surgery

Find out more about our other online forums


Cancer Patient Event: Ashington

Cancer Patient Event: Ashington

Cancer Information and Engagement Northumberland

The Northumbria Cancer Patient and Carer Group would like to invite cancer patients and carers in Northumberland to share their experiences and ideas – what is working well in your area? What needs improving? There will also be a mix of organisations at the event offering advice and support.

The Northumbria Cancer Patient and Carer Group is made up of patients, carers, health professionals, voluntary group representatives and others affected by cancer. It’s objective is to improve cancer services and support throughout Northumberland and North Tyneside. The group is supported by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust which consults with the group to gain opinions on new service developments, information leaflets and questionnaires.  The Northumbria Cancer Patient and Carer Group is not a cancer support group, but it does have very good links with local support groups and can put you in touch with the right people.


This event starts at 10.00am with refreshments, and lunch will be available from 12.00pm. The Healthwatch Northumberland team will be there with an information stand and will be inviting you to tell them about your care experiences over the last 12 months.

You can also visit an event at these locations in Northumberland:

Wednesday 19 February: Seaton Delaval Community Centre

Wednesday 4 March: Morpeth Town Hall

Wednesday 11 March: URC, Rothbury

Thursday 26 March: Hexham Mart


No booking required. For more information about the events or how to give your feedback if you can’t get to one of the events, email:

Christmas Lunch at The Round House

Christmas Lunch at The Round House

Age UK Northumberland is holding Christmas lunches on two dates this December. The lunch will include Christmas carols, sumptious food, a raffle and a visit from Father Christmas!

Tickets cost £9.50 per person and places can be booked by calling 01670 784800 or call in to The Round House, Lintonville Parkway, Ashington NE63 9JZ.

Also on Wednesday 11 December.


Christmas Lunch at The Round House

Christmas Lunch at The Round House

Age UK Northumberland is holding Christmas lunches on two dates this December. The lunch will include Christmas carols, sumptious food, a raffle and a visit from Father Christmas!

Tickets cost £9.50 per person and places can be booked by calling 01670 784800 or call in to The Round House, Lintonville Parkway, Ashington NE63 9JZ.

Also on Tuesday 17 December.


World Mental Health Day Age UK

World Mental Health Day Age UK

Mental health issues can affect any of us at any time in our lives. As we get older we are more likely to find ourselves either experiencing mental health problems or caring for someone who does. If you’re over 65 and would like to learn more about the changes that ageing can have on mental health or you’d like to find out more about the help and support available for carers drop in to this open day from Age UK Northumberland.

Get advice on where to seek help and what help is available

Take advantage of the‘Carers Corner’ to get advice on caring and how to stay well

Chat to professionals about common mental health concerns Grab a cuppa and have a friendly chat

Drop in between 10am – 2pm on Thursday 10 October 2019

There will be a great team on hand to provide help and advice including Age UK Northumberland, Alzheimer’s Society , Behaviour Support Services, Carers Northumberland, Dementia Matters, Northumberland Memory Service and Social Care Support Planners

Let’s Talk – Audiology Services, Ashington

Let’s Talk – Audiology Services, Ashington

We would like to hear from Northumberland residents about their experience of using local audiology services (services to help with hearing loss) and the aftercare they receive. We are interested in finding out what is working well and what needs improvement. You can also find us at:

Bellview Centre, Belford: Tuesday 10 September, 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Ponteland Medical Centre: Thursday 12 September, 12.00pm – 1.00pm
Adapt (NE), Hexham: Thursday 19 September, 1.00pm – 2.30pm
Seaton Delaval Community Centre: Tuesday 1 October, 10.00am – 11.00am

If you are unable to make one of these sessions and would like to feedback about audiology services, please get in touch with us directly

The Hear to Help Project from Action on Hearing Loss closed at the end of April 2019. Hearing aid support is now available directly from NHS audiology services. Find out where you can get support.

Living with and Beyond Cancer Event

Living with and Beyond Cancer Event

Northumbria NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust runs regular health and wellbeing events for people with a cancer diagnosis.  They are an opportunity to get lots of advice and support to help you make choices that improve your wellbeing.

Many well-established local organisations are on hand to provide advice on a wide variety of topics and you can discover what facilities and services are available on our doorstep. The events cover topics such as:

  • Diet, exercise and general wellbeing including improving your mental wellbeing
  • Cancer awareness and managing  your symptoms
  • Volunteering and practical hobbies such as IT, gardening, photography and joinery
  • Financial advice and help with getting back to work
  • Support for carers
If you’d like to come along get in touch at