
Mid-year trends report Jul-Dec 2022

Mid-year trends report Jul-Dec 2022

Our mid-year report looks at the trends in who we heard from over the last six months, and what we heard about services. We are a listening organisation and act on what people are saying, sharing their views with those who have the power to make change happen. We also help people find the information they need about local services in their area through our Signposting and Information Service.

Between July and December 2022, we received feedback from 368 individuals from talking to people at face-to-face engagement events, telephone calls, emails, our website and our social media pages.

The feedback we have had in the past six months has been around two big issues:

1. Accessing GPs and arranging appointments – 29% of all feedback received.

2. Accessing NHS dentists – 20% of all feedback received.

Read more in our mid-year report for July to December 2022