
Ponteland High wins our hamper!

Ponteland High wins our hamper!

We recently ran a campaign to help us hear from young people aged 13 – 24 who live in Northumberland. We wanted to hear how they were feeling, which healthcare services they had recently used and what their experience had been. To help us reach young people we worked with a number of schools in the county. They helped by distributing information about the campaign, the links to the online form and signposting information to services and organisations providing care, support and advice for young people. As an incentive we were able to offer a £100 Love2Shop voucher in a proze draw to one person who gave us feedback – the winner of the voucher was a student of Castle School in Ashington.

We also offered a wellbeing hamper to the school with the highest percentage of students completing our form. The winner was Ponteland High School – congratulations to them! Pictured is Jonny Greenshields, Assistant Head Teacher at Ponteland High School, being presented with the hamper by our Communication and Marketing Officer, Claire. Jonny told us “We’re very happy to have won the wellbeing hamper as part of this campaign. We scheduled this into lesson plans and the campaign fit extremely well with the work we have been doing with students around ‘having a voice’ in varying aspects of life, from democracy to healthcare.”

The results of this piece of work will be published later in the year.