
New Felton surgery FAQs

New Felton surgery FAQs

Following a public meeting at Felton Village Hall on Tuesday 31 January regarding the development of the new Felton GP surgery, further responses have been added to the Frequently Asked Questions on the project website. These new FAQs address some of the questions raised in the survey responses with answers from the developer, Assura.

Questions include car parking, emergency access for ambulances, when the building will be complete and the space available in the new surgery.

Read the FAQs

If you would like to leave feedback or ask a question about the development you can do so via the project website or by emailing:

Felton Surgery engagement

Felton Surgery engagement

Earlier this year we helped Felton and Widdrington GP surgeries to get feedback from residents and patients about the proposal to merge the surgeries. We held two online forums and heard from 12 people about the proposed merger, the practice’s plan for a new surgery in Felton and the potential temporary relocation to Widdrington Surgery should the practice need to move out of Felton before the new build is complete.

We will publish our findings and recommendations based on the feedback we received in due course.

The report will form part of the surgeries’ business proposal being considered by NHS Northumberland Clinical Commissioning Group.


Tell us about your recent experiences of any NHS or social care service

Proposed changes at Felton and Widdrington surgeries

Proposed changes at Felton and Widdrington surgeries

Changes are planned at the Felton and Widdrington surgeries and patients have 12 weeks to give their views and ideas on the proposals. If you are a patient of either surgery you should have received a letter and an information sheet explaining the proposals and how you can share your views.

Healthwatch Northumberland is supporting the surgeries by holding two online engagement sessions via Zoom for patients who would like to discuss any concerns or ask a question.

The sessions will take place on Wednesday 9 June at 2.00pm-3.00pm and Thursday 17 June at 6.00pm-7.00pm.

This is an opportunity to give your views on the following:

  1. The proposal to merge both Felton and Widdrington surgeries
  2. The practice’s plan for a new surgery in Felton and the permanent relocation to these premises at a later date
  3. The potential temporary relocation to Widdrington Surgery should the practice need to move out of Felton, before the new build is complete.

Please email if you wish to attend and an invitation will be sent.

If you can’t make these sessions there are other ways you can get in touch:

  1. Write to the practice manager and mark it ‘Engagement Feedback’ – the address can be found at the top of your letter.
  2. Contact the practice manager by email at or with the title ‘Engagement Feedback’
  3. Ask the reception team at either practice for a feedback form. This can be filled out anonymously if you wish. You do not need to give any personal information if you choose not to.
  4. Contact Healthwatch Northumberland, the statutory independent champion for patients on 03332 408 468 (local call rate) or email

The surgery will write a report based on this feedback in the late summer. The report will form part of the formal application to the Primary Care Commissioning Committee which will meet in August to decide if the proposals can go ahead.

Engagement how has now ended.