
Online event: Eating Distress North East

Online event: Eating Distress North East

Join us for our next free lunchtime event on Friday 14 April, 1pm-2pm, to hear from Maria Lavelle of Eating Distress North East (EDNE), who will talk about the early identification of eating disorders and how best to support those who have one.

She will cover how to recognise signs, symptoms and potential triggers of an eating disorder; practical strategies for working with people with eating disorders; and increase your knowledge of local support services in Northumberland and the North East of England.

This session is suitable for anyone living or working in Northumberland. There will be a chance to ask questions after the presentation.

and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

If you would like to tell us about your experience of accessing support for an eating disorder or would like help finding local support services please get in touch.

This event has now passed

Online event – Limbless Association

Online event – Limbless Association

Join us to hear from Tania Spurling from the Limbless Association on Friday 10 March, 1pm-2pm via Zoom. Tania will talk to us about having a limb amputated, tips to help manage and how we can help others living with their loss of a limb. We will also hear what support is available from the charity and there will be a chance to ask questions.

The Limbless Association is the largest civilian limb loss charity in the UK. As a national charity, working with amputees and sector professionals for over 39 years, the Limbless Association offers both practical and emotional support for amputees throughout their pre and post-amputation journey.

This session will provide an overview of the Limbless Association’s services and support available for amputees, their families, friends, and professionals. Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event: 

This event has now passed

Back to school support from Diabetes UK

Back to school support from Diabetes UK

As schools are due to reopen in September, Diabetes UK knows that parents and carers might be worried about the safety of their children with diabetes returning to school.

To help ease these worries they have organised a ‘Back to school’ question and answer session via Zoom with a panel of experts who will help to answer any questions you might have.

The Zoom session will take place on Wednesday 12 August from 7.30pm to 8.30pm.

The panel of experts will include:

  • Dr Fiona Campbell: Consultant Paediatrician and Diabetologist at Leeds Children’s Hospital
  • Carol Metcalfe: Advanced Specialist Practitioner in Paediatric Diabetes at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
  • James Rodger-Phillips: a Head of Department at a secondary school who lives with type 1 diabetes
  • Steve Paxton: parent of two teenagers with type 1 diabetes and Good Care In School Award assessor

The Type 1 Events team are also running further panels for parents and carers in August and September:

  • Newly diagnosed – what happens when type 1 diabetes joins your family? Tuesday 18 August – 7pm to 8.30pm.
  • Becoming more independent. Monday 21 September – 7pm to 8.30pm.

If you would like to attend any of these events you can sign up here.

All of the latest advice for managing diabetes during the coronavirus outbreak can be found on the Diabetes UK coronavirus advice page.


Online event – Social Prescribing

Online event – Social Prescribing

At this month’s free online public event we will hear from Tania Thomas, Team Leader for the Living Well Service at West Northumberland Primary Care Network, who will provide a brief overview of the Social Prescribing Service.

The Covid-19 pandemic has increased isolation for many people, amplifying concerns about the impact on societal mental health. The role of social prescribing in linking people to non-clinical community services as we move out of the pandemic will become more important than ever.

Join us on Friday 11 February, 1pm-2pm to find out more about social prescribing, what it is, how it works and how it can benefit our health and wellbeing.

We will also hear how you can access the service if you live in West Northumberland, what you can expect from the support on offer and find out about referral processes elsewhere in the county.

The session is suitable for people who live or work in Northumberland and are interested in improving their health and wellbeing. There will also be a chance to ask questions.

Register now and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.


Online Event – Meet the Health Trainers

Online Event – Meet the Health Trainers

At this month’s online event you can find out more about the Integrated Wellbeing Service from local Health Trainers Justine and Mark. They will give an outline of what support is on offer to help to improve and maintain health and wellbeing, plus details of 1:1 clinics, healthy lifestyle programmes, Weigh & Go programmes, community health checks, Health Walks and more. They will also share some top tips for keeping well this winter.

Join us on Friday 14 January, 1.00pm – 2.00pm.

Register now at the link below and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Monthly online drop-in

Monthly online drop-in

Each month we’ll be holding drop-in sessions, in all five local council areas of the county. These new drop-ins are a chance for residents to tell us about their experiences of NHS and social care services and use our Signposting and Information Service. If you can’t make one of the drop-in sessions or would prefer to speak to us via Zoom, please come along to our monthly online drop-in. We may invite special guests to talk about specific issues and services to some of these online sessions, so keep an eye on the website and social media for details.

Online Zoom drop-in: Second Friday of the month, 1.00pm – 2.00pm.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 873 4740 6445

Passcode: 604994

Online event – Arthritis Action Presentation

Online event – Arthritis Action Presentation

Join us at this free, online public event to hear from Ruth Smith from Arthritis Action.

Ruth will be joining us to talk about arthritis, self-management, and resources for people living with the condition. She will cover topics including keeping active, pain management and diet.

The session is suitable for anyone living with or working with any form of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis and gout.

There will also be a chance to ask questions.

Register now at the link below and we will send you a link to join closer to the event.

Monthly online drop-in

Monthly online drop-in

Each month we’ll be holding drop-in sessions, in all five local council areas of the county. These new drop-ins are a chance for residents to tell us about their experiences of NHS and social care services and use our Signposting and Information Service. If you can’t make one of the drop-in sessions or would prefer to speak to us via Zoom, please come along to our monthly online drop-in. We may invite special guests to talk about specific issues and services to some of these online sessions, so keep an eye on the website and social media for details.

Online Zoom drop-in: Second Friday of the month, 1.00pm – 2.00pm.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 873 4740 6445

Passcode: 604994

Monthly online drop-in

Monthly online drop-in

From September we’ll be holding monthly drop-ins, in all five local council areas of the county. These new drop-in sessions are a chance for residents to tell us about their experiences of NHS and social care services and use our Signposting and Information Service. If you can’t make one of the drop-in sessions or would prefer to speak to us via Zoom, please come along to our monthly online drop-in. We may invite special guests to talk about specific issues and services to some of these online sessions, so keep an eye on the website and social media for details.

Online Zoom drop-in: Second Friday of the month starting 10 September, 1.00pm – 2.00pm.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 873 4740 6445

Passcode: 604994

Care Homes – keeping in touch with loved ones

Care Homes – keeping in touch with loved ones

People are telling us they are worried about care homes continuing to be closed to nearly all visits.

They understand it is safer for residents and staff and the extra efforts made to maintain the quality of life in the homes.   But after 6 months, people say they can see the effect on their loved ones, and their own, health and wellbeing.

It seems the situation may go on for some time yet.

Sharing good practice could help make this difficult time a bit better.   If your relative, loved one or friend lives in a care home we would like to know what is being done to keep you in touch day to day and on special occasions like birthdays.

We would like to know your experience of:

  • Using video calls (FaceTime, Zoom etc) or telephone calls. Does the home support these?  How many times a week and how long?  Does a member of staff help your loved one with the call?
  • Socially distanced visits. Does the home support ‘window’ visits.  How many times a week and how long?
  • How does the home keep you informed about how your loved one is getting on (apart from necessary issues about their care or health). Eg manager updates, photographs, videos
  • Does the home have a programme of group and 1 to 1 activities? Has your loved one taken part?
  • Has the home asked you what, within the current restrictions, would make this time easier?
  • What, within the current restrictions, would make it better for you and your love one?
  • When restrictions are eventually eased (not totally lifted) what would help you and your loved one?

The forums will take place via Zoom. Read our guide on how to use Zoom.

If you would like to take part please contact Laura Kane:, or call 03332 408468.

If you can’t make the forum and would like to tell us your story, or would rather speak to one of our team in confidence please get in touch.