Support if you’re feeling lonely
‘Lift someone out of loneliness’ is a campaign from Better Health – Every Mind Matters. There’s lots of practical advice on ways to cope with loneliness or help someone else who is feeling lonely.
Chat Health
Chat Health from Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is a way for 11-19 year olds to text their school nurse in confidence, for advice and support. The service deals with all kinds of issues including, mental health, bullying, self-harm, alcohol and drugs, relationships, healthy eating and smoking and is available even whilst schools are closed.
If you live in Northumberland text 07507 332 258.
The Mix
The Mix provides free information and support for under 25s. As well as mental health support you can find advice on issues such as sex and relationships, money and housing and drugs and alcohol. Helpline number: 0808 808 4994.
Trinity Youth Association
Trinity Youth Association offers support for LGBT young people in the North East of England. There are a number of social groups in the area where you can meet other young people, chat, hang out, get advice and information and just be yourself in a gay and transgender friendly environment.
Support for young people
Details of local and national organisations providing support, advice and information on a range of issues for young people can be found below. Please click through to the website on each listing to find out more about the services provided. We have included support around mental and emotional health, special needs, drugs and alcohol.
Young Minds
Young Minds is a UK charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people. The website offers help and support to young people and parents of young people who are struggling with mental health issues.
Children and Young People’s Service
The Children and Young People’s Service provides a single service to all children and young people aged 0-18 years living in Northumberland who present with mental health difficulties. This includes children and young people who may have learning difficulties and those living in a range of difficult and challenging circumstances.
Northumberland Young Carers
A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol. Carers Northumberland offers support and information to young carers.
Sorted is a young people’s substance misuse service that operates throughout the whole of Northumberland. If you are worried about your own drug or alcohol use, or if the use of drugs or alcohol by someone close to you is affecting you, Sorted can provide advice and support to help you regain control of your life.
NHS Northumberland Talking Therapies
NHS Northumberland Talking Therapies offers a free psychological treatment, support and recovery service for the people of Northumberland over the age of 16 for depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health related problems.
Frank offers comprehensive information on all kinds of drugs and legal highs, with support and live chat.
Childline is a free, private and confidential 24-hour counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC. You can get in touch online or by calling 0800 1111.
Papyrus is the national charity for the prevention of young suicide, providing support and suicide intervention through HOPELineUK: 0800 068 41 41 and online contact. Confidential help and advice is given to young people and anyone worried about a young person.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Northumberland County Council information and advice about the services for children and young people aged 0 – 25 years with SEND and their families living in Northumberland, known as the Local Offer.
NHS young people and mental health information
NHS information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress.
Young people aged 11-25 years living in Northumberland can now access a free and safe digital mental health support service.
Join Kooth or watch this video to find out more.
Be You
Be You is from the NHS in Northumberland, which brings together lots of information for young people and also parents and carers. Find information around relationships, looking after yourself, managing thoughts and feelings and what help is available.
Battle Scars self harm support
Battle Scars aims to support anybody affected by self-harm: those who self-harm and those supporting them, make sure they no longer feel alone and to break down the stigma.
Sexual health services
Comprehensive sexual health information and what is available in Northumberland can be found on the Northumbria NHS Trust website. Here you will find information about contraception including C Cards, STI testing, a symptom checker and how to book an appointment at a sexual health clinic.
You can also speak to your GP or practice nurse, pharmacist or health visitor for help and advice. Find services local to you by using the NHS UK service directory. Simply enter your town and click to search.
Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing advice and support for under 25s.